The Academy of the Holy Cross
THe Challenge
Facing an increasingly secular world, the nation’s most competitive independent school market, some of the best public school districts in the country and a limited budget, how does a Catholic high school continue to attract families?
By investing in its brand — by investing in girls.
Empowered girls defy expectations.
the execution
After meeting with newly enrolled parents, incoming students and key Academy stakeholders, Creosote confirmed the value and authenticity of the “Empowered Girls” brand and developed a full marketing plan that would connect Holy Cross with more families.
A comprehensive demographic study revealed thousands of families to target through direct mail, email and social media marketing campaigns. Meanwhile, Creosote energized the Academy’s website, print materials and digital assets to maximize the impact of the brand.
In the spirit of the #MeToo movement, the spotlight shines brightly on women all over the world. In its programming and its branding, Holy Cross is showing that now is the time for empowered girls to lead the way.
The Deliverables
Photography and videography
Marketing plan
Direct mail campaign
Website redesign and editorial
Open house package
Email marketing campaign
Social media campaign
Print viewbook
Campus banners
The Results
The “Empowered Girls” creative earned a Gold Award in the “Integrated Marketing Campaign” category at the 2020 Educational Advertising Awards. Efforts to increase interest among targeted families have delivered, including marketing email open and click-through rates consistently doubling the industry average. Meanwhile, social media videos generated strong engagement, bringing thousands of new visitors to the Holy Cross website.
Now is the time for girls to find their voices, to speak their minds, to stand up for their beliefs, to lead change in the world.
Now is the time for girls.
When COVID-19 pandemic began, Holy Cross reacted quickly by transitioning to remote learning. Creosote produced two videos highlighting the efficiency of the Academy’s online learning platform and the closeness of the Holy Cross community.